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Illegal and overfishing by Chinese threatens food security in The Gambia
Impact of Overfishing on Local Communities in Gambia
The Chinese and The Gambian government illegal and unsustainable fishing activities In The Gambia
The Chinese Are Raising The Price of Fish in The Gambia...and People are Upset
Global Implications of Illegal Fishing | #TheOutlawOceanProject | Ian Urbina
Global Implications of Illegal Fishing
World Oceans Day - The human cost of overfishing in Gambia
Coastal Fisheries: Solutions to Overfishing in Cabo Verde, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Peru
Charting a Blue Future for Cooperation between West Africa and China on Sustainable Fisheries
Overcoming Overfishing
UPDATE: Gambians and opposition leader fight to stop land grabbing by Chinese
Gambia: The human cost of overfishing